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Bihagen, Erik, Marita Ohls.
The Glass Ceiling -- Where is It? Women's and Men's Career Prospects in the Private Vs. the Public Sector in Sweden 1979-2000.
Bobbitt-Zeher, Donna.
Gender Discrimination in Employment: Evidence From the Ohio Discrimination Project.
Boyer, Kate.
'Miss Remington' Goes to Work: Gender, Space, And Technology at the Dawn of the Information Age.
Bullock, Heather E., Irma Morales Waugh.
Caregiving Around the Clock: How Women in Nursing Manage Career and Family Demands.
Chidambaram, Laku, Magid Igbaria.
The Impact of Gender on Career Success of Information Systems Professionals: A Human Capital Perspective.
Collins, Enid M.
Career Mobility Among Immigrant Registered Nurses in Canada: Experiences of Caribbean Women.
Coyne, Beulah, Edward J. Coyne, Monica Lee.
Human Resources, Care-Giving, Career Progression, And Gender: A Gender Neutral Glass Ceiling.
Etzkowitz, Henry.
Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology.
Freeman, Michelle.
Nurse Migration Intentions in a Canadian Border City.
Fuller, Laurie, Erica Meiners.
Reflections: Empowering Women, Technology, And (feminist) Institutional Changes.
Halfacree, Keith.
Untying Migration Completely: De-Gendering or Radical Transformation?
Henwood, Flis.
WISE Choices?: Understanding Occupational Decision-Making in a Climate of Equal Opportunities For Women in Science and Technology.
Kirton, Gill.
Alternative and Parallel Career Paths For Women: The Case of Trade Union Participation.
Liu, Jonathan, Doirean Wilson.
Developing Women in a Digital World.
Lunn, Michelle.
Women and Academic Careers in Malaysia.
Mitory, Jessica, Sara Reagor, Steve Sawyer, Mark Wardell.
Gender and IT Professionals in the United States: A Survey of College Graduates.
Osterman, P.
Broken Ladders: Managerial Careers in the New Economy.
Whitehouse, Gillian.
Women, Careers and Information Technology: An Introduction.
Yap, Margaret.
Gender and Racial Differentials in Compensation, Promotions, And Separations in Canada.